The octangular brick tower is 54' tall and stands on a cliff 124' above
Lake Superior. This inactive house is open to the public in summer months. The area was
influenced by the magnetic interference by large iron ore deposits nearby and the extreme
depth of the lake near the shore, making soundings difficult. The high site was a solution
to compass and depth problems. The construction material and men were brought to the site
and hoisted up over the face of the cliff. Three keepers' families originally manned it.
The station includes a beautiful columnar tower building, a fog signal building, three
barns, oil storage building and three two story brick dwellings to accommodate the
keepers' families. This light is located Northeast of Two Harbors, Minnesota. (1910)
Original, hand colored, in double mat and light oak,
29" x 35" $600.00.
Also available as a print.